False colour image (Pleiades-NEO) of Schouwen-Duiveland, June 6, 2023
The agricultural sector in the Netherlands and beyond is facing major challenges. We need to feed more mouths worldwide, while production resources are becoming scarcer and the impact on climate and the environment must be reduced. Precision agriculture offers a solution and satellite information plays a crucial role in this.
Precision agriculture delivers higher productivity, lower environmental impact, transparent production and smart production methods. And not unimportantly: all the knowledge and technology that we develop in the Netherlands is an important export product for the agricultural sector worldwide.
The Dutch government encourages the use of satellite data in the agricultural sector. The needs of the sector are mapped out by NSO. Together with the steps that government, business, science and the agricultural sector must take together to provide farmers in 2030 with a daily task map based on satellite information.
If you are curious to know whether satellite applications could have added value in your work environment, please contact:
Kathelijne Beenen
E k.beenen@spaceoffice.nl
T +316 111 577 75