With DRIVE [1], the Ministry of Foreign Affairs facilitates implementation of public infrastructural projects that contribute towards a good business climate and entrepreneurship in the priority sectors: water, climate, food security, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Public infrastructure projects that have a high development relevance in other sectors also can be considered DRIVE support.

DRIVE (the successor of ORIO [2]) has also supported digital infrastructure, which includes a flood-forecasting system for Niger based on satellite data [3]. As many other projects [4] focus on water-related infrastructure, satellite data could potentially be used to monitor the construction process and evaluate the impact of the created infrastructure on water distribution. For more information on open tenders, you can visit the RVO-website [5].

More information:

[1] Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle - DRIVE |

[2] Project Database ORIO | Search (

[3] SATH - Home (

[4] Project Database DRIVE | Search (

[5] Tenders for infrastructural projects D2B, DRIVE and ORIO |