On November 8th, NSO issued a Call for Proposals for space instruments. You can download the call for proposals here.
The present Call for Proposals is open for Dutch space experts from science and industry, irrespective of submissions to the earlier Call for Ideas. Applicants are invited to submit proposals for the development of – technology for – future space instruments in the fields of satellite Earth Observation, planetary space research, and space-based astronomy.
The ministry of Education, Culture and Science has provided funding for the Space Instruments Programme for the period 2023-2025. Within the duration of this programme, two funding rounds will be published. This Call for Proposal concerns the first funding round, for which the total budget is €2,37M.
The available budget will be allocated across two categories: large projects with a maximum budget of €700k each, and smaller feasibility studies up to a maximum of €50k each.
The deadline for submitting proposals is February 27th 2025, 12.00 CET.
On Thurday 21 November, 15.30, NSO organizes an online information session about the call for proposals for instrument development. Please register here: